How effective is myofascial therapy for chronic tinnitus sufferers?

Tinnitus, the persistent ringing or buzzing in the ears, affects millions of people worldwide, often accompanied by chronic pain in areas surrounding the ear. A recent breakthrough study suggests that myofascial trigger point deactivation might offer significant relief for those struggling with this debilitating condition. In 2012, a double-blind randomized clinical trial led by Carina Bezerra Rocha and Tanit Ganz Sanchez, 71 patients suffering from … Continue reading How effective is myofascial therapy for chronic tinnitus sufferers?

Which treatment triumphs? Unraveling the effectiveness of diverse therapies in plantar fasciitis: A comprehensive study

In 2020, Gupta, et. al., conducted study about the realm of plantar fasciitis treatment, various modalities such as rest, stretching, orthotics, and anti-inflammatory agents have been recommended. However, a noticeable gap exists in the literature—there is a lack of studies comparing the individual effectiveness of these treatments without their concurrent use. Addressing this void, our study aims to rigorously examine and compare different treatment modalities … Continue reading Which treatment triumphs? Unraveling the effectiveness of diverse therapies in plantar fasciitis: A comprehensive study