Management of Sciatic Scoliotic List in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Physical Therapy Approaches and Considerations

Sciatic scoliotic list (SSL) [Matsui H, et al. 1998; Krishnan KM, and Newey ML. 2001], also referred to as sciatic scoliosis [Krishnan KM, Newey ML. 2001; Kim R, et al. 2015; Zhang Y, et al. 2019], trunk list [Gillan MG, et al. 1998], or trunk shift [Wu W, et al. 2019], is observed in 13.2-17.7% of adults with lumbar disc herniation (LDH) [Kim R, et … Continue reading Management of Sciatic Scoliotic List in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Physical Therapy Approaches and Considerations

Centeralisation phenomena: the complete guide to understanding the most popular finding during orthopaedic physical examination

Introduction The increasing reduction and elimination of distal pain in response to therapeutic loading procedures is referred to as centralization. During the decrease of a derangement, centralization occurs. This blog provides a full discussion of the phenomenon as well as an overview of its features. Definition Centralisation is the process by which the distal pain coming from the spine is gradually eliminated from distal to … Continue reading Centeralisation phenomena: the complete guide to understanding the most popular finding during orthopaedic physical examination