How effective is the PSYMEPHY program compared to standard pharmacologic care for fibromyalgia?

In 2012, the study conducted by Martín, et. al., aimed to evaluate the long-term effectiveness of a 6-week interdisciplinary treatment program for fibromyalgia (FM) called PSYMEPHY, which integrates psychological, medical, educational, and physiotherapeutic components. The research compared this comprehensive approach to standard pharmacologic care. The trial included 153 outpatients with FM from a hospital pain management unit, who were randomly assigned to either the experimental … Continue reading How effective is the PSYMEPHY program compared to standard pharmacologic care for fibromyalgia?

What are the potential mechanisms of action underlying the positive impact of mindfulness and yogic breathing techniques on depression symptoms in yoga participants?

In 2017, Uebelacker, et. al., controlled trial investigating the efficacy of yoga for depression, researchers sought to gain a comprehensive understanding of the experiences of depressed individuals participating in a 10-week hatha yoga intervention. This article presents the qualitative analysis of responses provided by participants enrolled in the yoga classes, focusing on their perceptions of the program and its potential benefits. Participants were randomly assigned … Continue reading What are the potential mechanisms of action underlying the positive impact of mindfulness and yogic breathing techniques on depression symptoms in yoga participants?

Can Regular Yoga Practice Sustain the Benefits of Trauma-Focused Treatment for Women with PTSD?

In 2016, Rhodes, et. al., conducted study about Yoga, which gives an integrative practice combining physical postures, breath exercises, and mindfulness, has shown promise as a complementary treatment for trauma-focused therapy. In a previous randomized controlled study involving 60 women with chronic, treatment-resistant post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and associated mental health issues, significant improvements were observed after 10 sessions of yoga. These improvements included reduced … Continue reading Can Regular Yoga Practice Sustain the Benefits of Trauma-Focused Treatment for Women with PTSD?