Do Low-strength static magnets match CranioSacral therapy in migraine credibility?

In 2011, a study examining complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) treatments for migraine headaches, researchers faced the challenge of developing credible control groups. Led by Peter Curtis and colleagues, the study aimed to assess the perceived credibility and expectancy of an attention-control intervention, specifically low-strength static magnet (LSSM) therapy, compared to CranioSacral therapy (CST). Published in a two-arm randomized controlled trial format, the study involved … Continue reading Do Low-strength static magnets match CranioSacral therapy in migraine credibility?

Does massage alleviate stress and enhance immunity in breast cancer care?

In 2009 a study conducted by Billhult et al., the short-term effects of light pressure effleurage massage on immune function and stress levels in women undergoing treatment for breast cancer were explored. The study, a single-center, prospective, randomized, and controlled trial, aimed to assess the influence of massage therapy on circulating lymphocytes, particularly peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells, as well as on salivary cortisol … Continue reading Does massage alleviate stress and enhance immunity in breast cancer care?

Does acupressure alleviate Bronchiectasis symptoms? Insights from a pilot study

In 2007, Maa, S. H., et. al., conducted study which delves realm of comprehensive patient care, nursing has increasingly incorporated complementary-alternative medicine to alleviate discomfort, manage pain, and address symptoms. Acupressure, a modality gaining traction among medical and nursing professionals, is being explored for its potential benefits in various health conditions. While prior research has hinted at the positive effects of acupressure on respiratory diseases, … Continue reading Does acupressure alleviate Bronchiectasis symptoms? Insights from a pilot study

Can combined meditation and massage improve quality of life in late-stage disease patients?

In 2005, a randomized controlled pilot trial, researchers led by Anna-Leila Williams, et. al., examined the potential impact of Metta meditation and massage on the quality of life (QOL) among individuals with late-stage acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This study aimed to explore how these interventions may independently and interactively affect QOL in this population. Fifty-eight residents, comprising 43% women and diagnosed with either AIDS or … Continue reading Can combined meditation and massage improve quality of life in late-stage disease patients?