How effective is medical Qigong in reducing inflammation in cancer patients?

In 2012, Oh, et. al., conducted a randomized controlled trial which has found that medical Qigong (MQ), a practice combining gentle exercise and meditation, significantly improves cognitive function, quality of life, and reduces inflammation in cancer patients. The study, conducted by a team of researchers led by Byeongsang Oh, involved 81 cancer patients and highlights the potential benefits of MQ as a complementary therapy for … Continue reading How effective is medical Qigong in reducing inflammation in cancer patients?

What factors drive seniors’ adherence to yoga and exercise interventions?

In a recent clinical trial aimed at understanding adherence patterns to mind-body interventions among seniors, researchers delved into the factors influencing participation rates in such programs. Led by K.E. Flegal and colleagues(2007), the study involved 135 generally healthy seniors aged 65-85 years, randomly assigned to a 6-month intervention comprising either Iyengar yoga classes with home practice, exercise classes with home practice, or a wait-list control … Continue reading What factors drive seniors’ adherence to yoga and exercise interventions?

Can yoga and exercise alleviate fatigue in multiple sclerosis?

In 2004 a groundbreaking randomized controlled trial, researchers led by B.S. Oken, et. al., investigated the effects of yoga and aerobic exercise on cognitive function, fatigue, mood, and quality of life in individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS). This study, spanning over 6 months, aimed to provide critical insights into alternative interventions for managing symptoms associated with MS. Published in [Journal Name], the study enrolled subjects … Continue reading Can yoga and exercise alleviate fatigue in multiple sclerosis?

Can tailored exercise interventions reduce falls in long-term care? Insights from a 2-year randomized trial

In 2001, A recent randomized controlled trial, known as the FallsFREE program, conducted by Nowalk, et. al., aimed to investigate the impact of two distinct exercise regimens over a 2-year period on falls and related outcomes among older individuals residing in long-term care facilities. The study took place in two facilities offering a spectrum of services from independent living to skilled nursing. The trial involved … Continue reading Can tailored exercise interventions reduce falls in long-term care? Insights from a 2-year randomized trial

How does non-strenuous physical exercise influence memory and visuo-motor performance in the elderly?

In 1993, Stones, et. al., aimed to investigate the acute effects of non-strenuous physical exercise on memory retrieval and visuo-motor performance in ambulatory nursing home residents of advanced age. The study employed a randomized control trial design and was conducted within the setting of a nursing home. Ambulatory volunteers (n=20) from the nursing home, all demonstrating normal mental status, were included. The participants had an … Continue reading How does non-strenuous physical exercise influence memory and visuo-motor performance in the elderly?