Can community yoga classes impact type 2 diabetes? A trial exploration

Yoga has emerged as a popular adjunct therapy for managing Type 2 diabetes, although its effectiveness remains a subject of debate. In a bid to shed light on this issue, a recent study delved into the feasibility of investigating community-based yoga classes for individuals with Type 2 diabetes, aiming to lay the groundwork for a definitive, multi-center trial. In 2009, Skoro-Kondza, et. al., Conducted as … Continue reading Can community yoga classes impact type 2 diabetes? A trial exploration

Does massage alleviate stress and enhance immunity in breast cancer care?

In 2009 a study conducted by Billhult et al., the short-term effects of light pressure effleurage massage on immune function and stress levels in women undergoing treatment for breast cancer were explored. The study, a single-center, prospective, randomized, and controlled trial, aimed to assess the influence of massage therapy on circulating lymphocytes, particularly peripheral blood natural killer (NK) cells, as well as on salivary cortisol … Continue reading Does massage alleviate stress and enhance immunity in breast cancer care?

Can vertebral manipulation offer short-term relief for chronic low back pain?

In 2007, Ghroubi, et. al., conducted study about Chronic low back pain (CLBP) which presents a significant challenge in healthcare, prompting exploration into various treatment modalities. Among these, vertebral manipulation (VM) has gained attention for its potential therapeutic benefits. This study aimed to evaluate the short-term effectiveness of VM in alleviating CLBP and associated disability. In this randomized controlled trial, sixty-four CLBP patients were randomly … Continue reading Can vertebral manipulation offer short-term relief for chronic low back pain?

Can botulinum toxin enhance lower limb spasticity treatment post-severe brain injury?

In 2005, a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial conducted by Verplancke, et. al., aimed to assess the effectiveness of combining serial casting with botulinum toxin injections in reducing calf contracture development following severe head injury. The study, carried out at an acute general hospital in the UK, involved adults aged 17-70 years who were admitted following a severe brain injury. The trial included three parallel treatments for … Continue reading Can botulinum toxin enhance lower limb spasticity treatment post-severe brain injury?

What is the cost-effectiveness of spinal manipulation for low back pain? Insights from the UK BEAM trial

In a pioneering endeavor to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of incorporating spinal manipulation and exercise interventions into primary care for individuals seeking relief from low back pain, the UK BEAM Trial Team (2004) conducted a rigorous analysis. Their objective was to determine the economic viability of adding spinal manipulation, exercise classes, or a combination of both to the standard “best care” protocol in general practice settings … Continue reading What is the cost-effectiveness of spinal manipulation for low back pain? Insights from the UK BEAM trial