Extremity Pain of Spinal Origin: Understanding Diagnosis and Treatment

In order to distinguish between an extremity source and a spinal source of symptoms, clinicians analyze the patient’s medical history and physical exam. When spinal pain is misdiagnosed as an issue with an extremity, it can lead to a series of bad decisions and ineffective treatment (Gunn C and Milbrandt WE 1976, Hashimoto S et al. 2019, Pheasant S 2016, Walker T et al. 2018). … Continue reading Extremity Pain of Spinal Origin: Understanding Diagnosis and Treatment

Journey into the upper cervical segments | A primer on neuroanatomy.

The upper two cervical segments formed by atlanto-occiptal & atlanto-axial joints are anatomically dissimilar from the functional units below. In this article, I am going to share some insights that might assist your clinical reasoning for patients with upper cervical neck pain. The craniocervical junction (CCJ) is a complex transitional region between the base of the skull and the upper cervical spine. It is formed … Continue reading Journey into the upper cervical segments | A primer on neuroanatomy.

Journey into the cervical spine | A primer on neuroanatomy

The neck has anatomic structures that are involved in balance control (cervical afferents), vascular tone regulation (carotid sinuses), blood circulation (carotid and vertebral arteries), and mechanical support of the cervical spinal cord. Therefore, the symptoms such as dizziness, imbalance, or vertigo associated with cervicocephalic movements could also be attributed to vestibular (inner ear), visual, vascular, neurovascular, cervicoproprioceptive, or cervical spinal cord dysfunction. In this article, … Continue reading Journey into the cervical spine | A primer on neuroanatomy