Can innovative tuina manipulations revolutionize treatment for cervical spondylosis?

In 2012, a recent study led by Quanmao Ding and colleagues has unveiled significant advancements in the treatment of vertebral artery type cervical spondylosis using innovative Tuina manipulations. This novel approach not only improves clinical symptoms more effectively but also reduces the required number of treatments compared to traditional methods. The study, involving 126 patients diagnosed with this specific type of cervical spondylosis, divided participants … Continue reading Can innovative tuina manipulations revolutionize treatment for cervical spondylosis?

Unraveling the Enigma: Rare Brown-Sequard Syndrome Arising from Cervical Disc Herniation

Brown-Sequard Syndrome, as delineated in 1849 by Brown-Se´quard CE, emanates from trauma inflicted upon the anatomical hemicord. This trauma precipitates disruption of the descending lateral corticospinal tracts, the ascending dorsal columns (both of which decussate in the medulla), and the ascending lateral spinothalamic tracts, which intersect within one or two levels of the dorsal root entry. While total hemisection, evoking the hallmark clinical features of … Continue reading Unraveling the Enigma: Rare Brown-Sequard Syndrome Arising from Cervical Disc Herniation

How Does Cervical Traction Affect Selected ECG Variables in Cervical Spondylosis Patients?

In 2006, Akinbo, et. al., conducted research about Cervical traction (CT). It is a commonly used therapy for cervical spondylosis (CS) patients, but there is a lack of consensus among clinicians regarding the optimal tractive force to be applied during CT. Determining the appropriate CT weight is crucial to minimize side effects and ensure effective treatment. To address this, a recent study aimed to investigate … Continue reading How Does Cervical Traction Affect Selected ECG Variables in Cervical Spondylosis Patients?