How does laser therapy compare to ultrasound and ischemic compression for pain management?

In 2012, Kannan, et. al., conducted study about Myofascial pain syndrome, which often rooted in the upper trapezius, presents a significant therapeutic challenge due to its impact on pain and range of motion. In a recent study, researchers set out to identify the most effective treatment for myofascial trigger points (MTPs), comparing therapeutic ultrasound, laser therapy, and ischemic compression over a five-day trial period. The … Continue reading How does laser therapy compare to ultrasound and ischemic compression for pain management?

Is mulligan mobilization more effective than muscle energy technique?

In 2021, Manzoor, et. al., conducted quasi-experimental study, at the Physiotherapy Department of Mayo Hospital in Lahore, Pakistan, aimed to compare the effectiveness of muscle energy technique and Mulligan mobilization in patients experiencing non-specific neck pain. The study, conducted from March to September 2017, involved participants of any gender with non-specific neck pain, divided into two groups. Group 1 received muscle energy technique, while Group … Continue reading Is mulligan mobilization more effective than muscle energy technique?

Is a specific exercise program targeting lower deep neck extensors more effective than a general neck extensor program for chronic idiopathic neck pain in women?

Chronic idiopathic neck pain is a common problem, especially in women. Structural and functional impairments of the cervical extensor muscles have been demonstrated in people with neck pain. Therefore, exercise programs that target the neck extensor muscles have been suggested as a treatment option. In 2022, Giménez-Costa et al. conducted a study to compare the effects of a specific lower deep neck extensors (SLDNE) exercise … Continue reading Is a specific exercise program targeting lower deep neck extensors more effective than a general neck extensor program for chronic idiopathic neck pain in women?