How Effective is Physiotherapy in Managing Cervical Pain Associated with MPDS?

In 2017, Jagdhari, et. al., conducted a groundbreaking prospective study which has shed light on the therapeutic correlation between cervical dysfunction and myofascial pain dysfunction syndrome (MPDS). The study, conducted by a team of researchers led by Smriti Jagdhari, B, aimed to investigate the relationship between cervical pain and MPDS, while evaluating the efficacy of different treatment modalities. The study comprised a total of 46 … Continue reading How Effective is Physiotherapy in Managing Cervical Pain Associated with MPDS?

The issue with neck pain: prevelance and natural history

The history of neck pain is explained in this blog. The distribution, natural history, and clinical course of a disease are all factors that contemporary clinical epidemiology considers. We present a quick summary of these dimensions in relation to neck pain. Let’s discuss prevalence: Compared to lumbar back pain, the epidemiology of neck pain in the adult population has received less attention, although there is … Continue reading The issue with neck pain: prevelance and natural history