How effective are breathing techniques in treating inflammatory bowel disease?

In 2015, a study offers compelling evidence that integrating mind-body practices into the treatment of Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) can significantly improve both psychological and physical symptoms, as well as reduce inflammation. Conducted by a team of researchers including Patricia L. Gerbarg, Vinita E. Jacob, and Ellen J. Scherl, the study focused on the effects of the Breath-Body-Mind Workshop (BBMW)—a program combining breathing techniques, movement, … Continue reading How effective are breathing techniques in treating inflammatory bowel disease?

How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?

In 2006, Brazier, et. al., aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a specialized group program geared towards enhancing the overall well-being of individuals dealing with the challenges of HIV/AIDS. This program centered around yogic breathing, movement, and meditation techniques, and was conducted in a residential setting. Employing a randomized controlled trial, the researchers recruited 62 participants from community HIV/AIDS organizations, with 47 participants completing the … Continue reading How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?