How do epley and sémont-toupet maneuvers compare in inducing liberatory signs?

In 2012, a study conducted by Toupet, et. al., aimed at identifying the most effective repositioning maneuvers for treating benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV), researchers compared the efficiency of the Epley (Ep) and Sémont-Toupet (ST) maneuvers. Additionally, the study evaluated the impact of postmaneuver restrictions on vertigo and dizziness, using an analog visual scale (VAS) for assessment. The study included 226 adult patients diagnosed with … Continue reading How do epley and sémont-toupet maneuvers compare in inducing liberatory signs?

Does postural restriction improve success rates in BPPV treatment?

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) is a common inner ear condition that leads to brief episodes of dizziness triggered by head movements. The Modified Epley maneuver is a well-established treatment for BPPV, but questions remain regarding the effectiveness of post-maneuver positional restriction in preventing recurrence. In 2014, a study by Hasan Huseyin Balikci and Isa Ozbay aimed to shed light on this matter. Seventy-eight patients … Continue reading Does postural restriction improve success rates in BPPV treatment?

Hallpike-Dix Test

Purpose of Hallpike-Dix Test: To determine whether vertigo is triggered by head movements and identify benign positional paroxysmal vertigo (BPPV) (1-3). Patient position: Sitting with legs extended on the examination table, and the patient’s head is rotated/turned 45 degrees toward the ear to be tested. Examiner position: Standing behind the patient on the head side, while the patient is in a long sitting position on … Continue reading Hallpike-Dix Test