Unlocking the secrets: How effective is acupressure in enhancing institutionalized elderly sleep?

In 1999, Chen, et. al., conducted study about Disturbed sleep which is a prevalent concern among the elderly population, prompting the exploration of alternative therapeutic interventions. Drawing on traditional Chinese medicine, which suggests that acupressure induces sedation, a meticulously designed scientific study was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of acupressure in ameliorating sleep quality among institutionalized residents. Utilizing a randomized block experimental design, participants with … Continue reading Unlocking the secrets: How effective is acupressure in enhancing institutionalized elderly sleep?

Can yoga improve lung function in COPD patients?

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a challenging condition, often accompanied by heightened levels of depression and anxiety among patients. In the pursuit of holistic approaches to managing COPD, researchers have turned to yoga as a potential solution. While the physical and mental benefits of yoga are well-documented, its impact on lung function, specifically diffusion capacity, has been less explored. To fill this knowledge gap, … Continue reading Can yoga improve lung function in COPD patients?