How many patients participated in the study, and how were they divided among the treatment groups?

In 2012, Xu, et. al., conducted a study has demonstrated that the traditional Chinese medicine techniques of coiling dragon needling and moving cupping on the back may offer superior therapeutic benefits for chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) compared to the conventional Western treatment with Prednisone. The study aimed to compare the effectiveness of a combined therapy of coiling dragon needling and back cupping with that of … Continue reading How many patients participated in the study, and how were they divided among the treatment groups?

Can polarity therapy mitigate cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy?

In 2011, a pilot study conducted by Karen M. Mustian and colleagues, the potential efficacy of Polarity Therapy (PT) in mitigating cancer-related fatigue (CRF) among breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy has been investigated. CRF stands as a prevalent and distressing side effect of cancer treatment, prompting exploration into alternative therapies such as PT, an energy-based modality. The study, comprising 45 women undergoing radiation therapy … Continue reading Can polarity therapy mitigate cancer-related fatigue in breast cancer patients undergoing radiation therapy?

Can combined acupuncture and massage alleviate temporomandibular joint disorders?

In a recent study published in Chinese, researchers aimed to investigate the efficacy of electroacupuncture pulse stimulation and massage therapy in treating temporomandibular joint disorders (TMD). TMD affects a significant number of individuals and can cause symptoms such as myofacial pain and external pterygoid muscle spasm. Ninety-six patients diagnosed with TMD, including 54 with myofacial pain and 42 with external pterygoid muscle spasm, were randomly … Continue reading Can combined acupuncture and massage alleviate temporomandibular joint disorders?

Can intelligent-turtle massage improve symptoms and immune function in chronic fatigue syndrome patients?

In 2009, a study led by Ji-hong Wang and colleagues, the potential benefits of intelligent-turtle massage for individuals suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) were investigated. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of this innovative massage technique on both physical symptoms and immune functions in CFS patients. A total of 182 CFS patients were enrolled in the study and randomly divided into two groups: … Continue reading Can intelligent-turtle massage improve symptoms and immune function in chronic fatigue syndrome patients?

Can Tai Chi exercise enhance sleep stability in Chronic heart failure patients?

In 2008 study conducted by Gloria Y. Yeh, et. al., the potential benefits of Tai Chi exercise on sleep stability in individuals with chronic heart failure were investigated. The study, which utilized a novel method called the sleep spectrogram, aimed to assess the effects of a 12-week Tai Chi program on sleep patterns. The research involved 18 patients with chronic stable heart failure, characterized by … Continue reading Can Tai Chi exercise enhance sleep stability in Chronic heart failure patients?