Flexion responders: when should you introduce flexion loading to your patients?

Primary care physicians frequently see patients with low back pain (LBP). To minimise excessive lumbar flexion, societal attempts to reduce LBP have resulted in more upright work settings. Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy has proven to be reliable among well-trained MDT doctors (Deutscher D, et al. 2014; Kilpikoski S, et al. 2002) and can decrease patient visits while increasing clinical and functional results (Deutscher D, et … Continue reading Flexion responders: when should you introduce flexion loading to your patients?

Cervical adherent nerve root dysfunction: classification and therapy – A case report

Introduction: Mechanical diagnosis and therapy (MDT) of the cervical spine, also known as the McKenzie method, has been the focus of research in the field of musculoskeletal physical therapy in recent years. The MDT focuses on the patient’s symptomatic and mechanical responses to the systematic application of repetitive end-range movements. Adherent nerve root (ANR) is a specific form of dysfunction that occurs secondary to trauma, … Continue reading Cervical adherent nerve root dysfunction: classification and therapy – A case report