Do pre-exercise routines influence achilles tendon biomechanics? A cross-over study

The debate surrounding the efficacy of stretching and warm-up routines in injury prevention continues to persist within the realm of sports science. One key area of interest is the impact of these preparatory exercises on the biomechanical properties of the Achilles tendon. In 2011, a study aimed by Park, et. al., to explore whether warm-up exercises exert a more significant influence on Achilles tendon biomechanics … Continue reading Do pre-exercise routines influence achilles tendon biomechanics? A cross-over study

Rethinking achilles tendon rupture treatment: can early motion replace surgery?

In a groundbreaking study conducted by Bruce C Twaddle, et. al., (2007) the conventional wisdom surrounding the treatment of Achilles tendon ruptures has been challenged. The study, titled “Early motion for Achilles tendon ruptures: is surgery important? A randomized, prospective study,” explores the intriguing question of whether surgery truly holds the key to optimal recovery, or if controlled early motion can be just as effective. … Continue reading Rethinking achilles tendon rupture treatment: can early motion replace surgery?