How effective are non-aerobic exercises for cognitive health in Alzheimer’s patients?

In 2011, a pilot study conducted by researchers have found that non-aerobic movement-based activities can significantly improve certain cognitive functions in patients with Alzheimer’s type dementia (AD). Conducted by Lidia Yágüez, Kendra N. Shaw, Robin Morris, and David Matthews, the study aimed to explore the effects of movement-based exercises on cognition in individuals diagnosed with AD. The study involved 27 patients who met the ICD-10 … Continue reading How effective are non-aerobic exercises for cognitive health in Alzheimer’s patients?

How effective are lifestyle interventions in managing chronic kidney disease?

Integrating cooking and exercise classes into the routine care of chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients has been largely unexplored. In 2011, a study conducted by Flesher, et. al., aimed to determine if these additions could slow the progression of certain CKD parameters. Researchers evaluated five key health indicators—urinary protein, blood pressure, urinary sodium, glomerular filtration rate, and total cholesterol—over baseline, six months, and twelve months. … Continue reading How effective are lifestyle interventions in managing chronic kidney disease?

Is biofeedback the key to long-term relief from computer-related neck pain?

In 2011, a study led by Chao Ma, Grace P Szeto, and colleagues has unveiled promising results in the treatment of work-related neck and shoulder pain, particularly among individuals with prolonged computer use. The randomized controlled trial compared the efficacy of biofeedback, active exercise, and passive treatment against a control group, revealing that biofeedback significantly outperforms the other methods. The trial included 60 participants who … Continue reading Is biofeedback the key to long-term relief from computer-related neck pain?

Muscular Adaptations

Adaptations will happen in the muscular system if the exercise training emphasises the overload of the muscles aiming to result in hypertrophy and increase in strength. How does the muscular adaptation happen? I have presented the information in a sequence to help understand how muscular adaptation happens. First, the muscle fibres are classified into two types in the human body –  Type I (slow twitch) and … Continue reading Muscular Adaptations