Does dual-task training improve fear of falling and reaction time in older adults?

In 2013, De Bruin, et. al., conducted study aimed to develop a combined motor-cognitive training program for elderly individuals and to evaluate the feasibility of recruiting and retaining participants. Additionally, the study sought to assess the effects of the intervention on gait characteristics. This pilot study employed a randomized controlled trial design conducted in an assisted living facility. Participants were randomly assigned to either a … Continue reading Does dual-task training improve fear of falling and reaction time in older adults?

Do treadmill and resistance exercises offer unique benefits for parkinson’s disease?

In 2013, a study published by Lisa M. Shulman and colleagues investigated the effects of different exercise regimens on patients with Parkinson’s disease, focusing on gait speed, cardiovascular fitness, and muscle strength. Conducted at the Parkinson’s Disease and Movement Disorders Center at the University of Maryland and the Baltimore Veterans Affairs Medical Center, the study was a randomized, single-blinded clinical trial involving 67 patients experiencing … Continue reading Do treadmill and resistance exercises offer unique benefits for parkinson’s disease?

Which exercise regimen is more effective for low back pain: full ROM or limited ROM?

In 2013, a randomized controlled trial has shed light on the effectiveness of different exercise regimens for individuals suffering from chronic low back pain. Conducted by James Steele and colleagues, the study compared the impacts of full range of motion (ROM) versus limited ROM isolated lumbar extension exercises on key outcomes such as lumbar extension strength, perceived pain, and disability. Chronic low back pain is … Continue reading Which exercise regimen is more effective for low back pain: full ROM or limited ROM?

How effective is chiropractic care for pregnant women with low back pain?

In 2013, a study has highlighted the benefits of a multimodal approach in managing low back and pelvic pain in pregnant women, offering a promising alternative to standard obstetric care. The research, conducted by a team led by James W. George and colleagues, was published following a prospective, randomized trial involving 169 pregnant women. The trial aimed to determine whether a combined approach of musculoskeletal … Continue reading How effective is chiropractic care for pregnant women with low back pain?

How does yogic meditation impact pro-inflammatory genes?

Family caregivers of dementia patients often face significant stress, which can lead to inflammation and a compromised immune system. While yoga and meditation are widely acknowledged for their stress-relieving benefits, the underlying biological processes remain largely unexplored. In 2013, a research team led by David S. Black and colleagues investigated the effects of Kirtan Kriya Meditation (KKM) on immune cell gene expression. Forty-five family dementia … Continue reading How does yogic meditation impact pro-inflammatory genes?