Unveiling Rarity: Horner Syndrome Caused by Cervical Disc Herniation

Johann Friedrich Horner originally described the Horner syndrome (HS) in humans in 1869 (van der Wiel HL. 2002). HS is caused by a disruption in the oculosympathetic circuit between the hypothalamus and the orbit (Amonoo-Kuofi HS, 1999). The characteristic trio of ipsilateral eyelid ptosis, miosis, and face anhidrosis is what distinguishes HS. There are numerous causes of HS, but herniated cervical disc (HCD) is a … Continue reading Unveiling Rarity: Horner Syndrome Caused by Cervical Disc Herniation

Unraveling the Enigma: Rare Brown-Sequard Syndrome Arising from Cervical Disc Herniation

Brown-Sequard Syndrome, as delineated in 1849 by Brown-Se´quard CE, emanates from trauma inflicted upon the anatomical hemicord. This trauma precipitates disruption of the descending lateral corticospinal tracts, the ascending dorsal columns (both of which decussate in the medulla), and the ascending lateral spinothalamic tracts, which intersect within one or two levels of the dorsal root entry. While total hemisection, evoking the hallmark clinical features of … Continue reading Unraveling the Enigma: Rare Brown-Sequard Syndrome Arising from Cervical Disc Herniation

Biceps Load Test II

Biceps load test II (Kim’s test 2) Purpose of  Biceps load test II (Kim’s test 2): To detect the superior labral anterior and posterior (SLAP) lesions in the glenohumeral joint (1). Patient Position: Supine lying. Examiner Position: Standing/Sitting beside the patient’s affected side. Procedure: First, gently grasp the patient’s elbow and wrist on the affected side. Next, elevate the affected arm to 120 degrees and … Continue reading Biceps Load Test II

Biceps Load Test I (Kim’s test 1)

Purpose of Biceps Load Test I (Kim’s test 1): To assess the integrity of the superior glenoid labrum in patients with recurrent shoulder dislocations and a Bankart lesion (1). Patient Position: Supine lying. Examiner Position: Sitting beside the patient’s affected side facing the patient at a right angle, adjacent to the affected shoulder at the same height as the patient (1). Procedure: First, gently grasp … Continue reading Biceps Load Test I (Kim’s test 1)

Clunk Test

Purpose of clunk test: To detect a superior anterior and posterior labral pathology (glenoid labral tears) of the shoulder joint (1). Patient position: Supine lying, with the affected shoulder slightly over the edge of the bed (1).Examiner position: Stand facing the patient’s affected side. Procedure: First, hold the patient’s elbow on the affected side using one hand and place the other hand on the posterior … Continue reading Clunk Test