Understanding Radicular Pain: Pathophysiology and Potential Treatments

Radicular pain is caused by stimulation of the sensory root or dorsal root ganglion (DRG) of a spinal nerve (Merskey et al., 2007). Radicular pain differs from nociceptive pain in that it is caused by neural activity in the dorsal root rather than stimulation of peripheral nerve ends. As a result, it is distinct from both somatic pain and somatic-referred pain. Furthermore, radicular discomfort is … Continue reading Understanding Radicular Pain: Pathophysiology and Potential Treatments

How does yoga affect heart rate variability in female Asthma patients?

In 2012, a study has found that yoga training can significantly improve the quality of life in women suffering from asthma. Conducted by researchers Amy J. Bidwell, Beth Yazel, David Davin, Timothy J. Fairchild, and Jill A. Kanaley, the study explored how a 10-week yoga intervention impacts both quality of life and heart rate variability (HRV) in female asthma patients. Asthma often diminishes the quality … Continue reading How does yoga affect heart rate variability in female Asthma patients?

Can increased ankle strength help with proprioception in FAI patients?

In 2012 a study conducted by Smith, et. al., at a university athletic training research laboratory has shed light on the effects of strength training on ankle rehabilitation, specifically in individuals with functional ankle instability (FAI). Despite the widespread use of strength training in rehabilitating ankle injuries, the study reveals that while such training significantly enhances ankle strength, it does not improve proprioception, or force … Continue reading Can increased ankle strength help with proprioception in FAI patients?

Management of Sciatic Scoliotic List in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Physical Therapy Approaches and Considerations

Sciatic scoliotic list (SSL) [Matsui H, et al. 1998; Krishnan KM, and Newey ML. 2001], also referred to as sciatic scoliosis [Krishnan KM, Newey ML. 2001; Kim R, et al. 2015; Zhang Y, et al. 2019], trunk list [Gillan MG, et al. 1998], or trunk shift [Wu W, et al. 2019], is observed in 13.2-17.7% of adults with lumbar disc herniation (LDH) [Kim R, et … Continue reading Management of Sciatic Scoliotic List in Lumbar Disc Herniation: Physical Therapy Approaches and Considerations

Can delaying physical therapy improve rotator cuff healing rates?

In 2012, a study has investigated the impact of early versus delayed postoperative physical therapy on patient outcomes and rotator cuff healing following arthroscopic rotator cuff repair. Conducted by Derek J. Cuff and Derek R. Pupello, the research focused on whether the timing of passive motion exercises influences recovery and tissue healing. The study enrolled 68 patients, with an average age of 63.2 years, all … Continue reading Can delaying physical therapy improve rotator cuff healing rates?