How To Select A Diagnostic Test?

A diagnostic test is a clinical procedure used to determine the presence, absence, or extent of a disease or condition. These tests are essential for diagnosing illnesses, guiding treatment decisions, and monitoring disease progression. They can involve various methods, such as physical examinations (e.g., manual tests such as valgus test of the knee, apprehension test of the shoulder), imaging (e.g., X-rays, MRIs), or laboratory tests … Continue reading How To Select A Diagnostic Test?

Diagnostic Agreement

Importance of agreement between clinicians while making a diagnosis Agreement between clinicians is an important factor in the context of making a diagnosis. When multiple clinicians agree on a diagnosis or the interpretation of diagnostic data, it can enhance the reliability of the diagnostic process, improve patient outcomes, and provide a more robust framework for decision-making. Let’s explore how clinician agreement plays a role in … Continue reading Diagnostic Agreement

Diagnostic Process

Diagnosis is a process that involves collecting data about one’s illness (collate their symptoms) and determine their anatomic, physiologic and/or psychosocial derangement (usually called disease) through clinical reasoning in order to direct a clinician toward offering specific treatments (Reed, 1992; Balogh et al, 2015). Systems of Clinical Reasoning in the Diagnostic Process: There are two main systems of clinical reasoning used in diagnosis (Balogh et … Continue reading Diagnostic Process

Are Lumbar Spine Imaging Findings Linked to Patients’ Symptoms?

Determining whether a specific lesion is responsible for a patient’s symptoms is crucial when selecting candidates for potential spinal surgery. However, there isn’t always a direct correlation between radicular pain and lumbar disc herniation. One can exist without the other, making diagnosis complex. Both mechanical compression and inflammatory factors contribute to the pathogenesis of sciatica. Additionally, non-radicular or pseudoradicular pain can originate from the hip, … Continue reading Are Lumbar Spine Imaging Findings Linked to Patients’ Symptoms?

How to Pinpoint Hip Joint Pain: Unlocking the Secrets of Diagnosis

Hip pain can have multiple causes, including non musculoskeletal, lumbosacral spine, intra-articular, and extra-articular. A consensus declaration has defined an evaluation algorithm for distinguishing the musculoskeletal causes of regional hip pain (Takla A et al. 2020). Lumbosacral and extra-articular diseases frequently coexist with intra-articular hip causes of pain (Takla A et al. 2020). As a result, a grasp of the complicated connections of the spine, … Continue reading How to Pinpoint Hip Joint Pain: Unlocking the Secrets of Diagnosis