In 2001, A recent randomized controlled trial, known as the FallsFREE program, conducted by Nowalk, et. al., aimed to investigate the impact of two distinct exercise regimens over a 2-year period on falls and related outcomes among older individuals residing in long-term care facilities. The study took place in two facilities offering a spectrum of services from independent living to skilled nursing.

The trial involved 110 participants, with an average age of 84, capable of ambulating with or without assistance and able to follow simple instructions. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two exercise groups (resistance/endurance plus basic enhanced programming or tai chi plus basic enhanced programming) or a control group receiving basic enhanced programming only. Exercise classes occurred three times per week throughout the study.

Baseline and subsequent assessments at 6, 12, and 24 months evaluated participants’ cognitive and physical functioning. Falls were recorded based on incident reports filed by nursing staff at the facilities.

The study found no significant differences in time to first fall, time to death, number of days hospitalized, or incidence of falls among the treatment and control groups (P>.05). Notably, participants who experienced falls exhibited lower baseline Folstein Mini-Mental State Examination and instrumental activities of daily living scores, and they demonstrated greater declines in these measures over the 2-year program.

Contrary to expectations, the exercise interventions did not yield significant differences in fall rates between the two exercise groups and the control group. The findings, coupled with low adherence rates, suggest that long-term care facility residents may require personalized exercise interventions adaptable to their evolving needs. This underscores the importance of tailoring interventions to the unique circumstances of older individuals in long-term care settings. Future research should explore individualized strategies to enhance the effectiveness of exercise programs in preventing falls among this demographic.

Reference: Nowalk, M. P., Prendergast, J. M., Bayles, C. M., D’Amico, F. J., & Colvin, G. C. (2001). A randomized trial of exercise programs among older individuals living in two long‐term care facilities: the FallsFREE program. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society49(7), 859-865.

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