In 2004 a pilot study, researchers aimed to assess the feasibility and potential efficacy of a modified Hatha yoga protocol for individuals suffering from chronic low back pain (CLBP). Led by Mary Lou Galantino and her team, the study investigated the impact of a six-week yoga intervention on functional outcomes and participant perceptions.

Twenty-two participants, aged between 30 and 65, diagnosed with CLBP, were randomly assigned to either an immediate yoga intervention group or a control group. The yoga protocol, tailored specifically for this population by a certified yoga instructor, involved hour-long sessions twice a week over six weeks. Functional outcome measures included forward reach (FR) and sit-and-reach (SR) tests, while participants also completed the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) and Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) questionnaires. Qualitative data were gathered through guided questions to explore participant perceptions of the instructor, group dynamics, and the impact of yoga on their lives.

While statistical significance was not reached due to the small sample size, trends in functional measurements suggested improvements in balance and flexibility and reductions in disability and depression among the yoga group. However, significant limitations such as high dropout rates in the control group and baseline differences in secondary measures were noted. Qualitative analysis revealed positive responses regarding group motivation and the relaxation and awareness fostered by yoga practice.

The findings of this pilot study suggest that a modified yoga-based intervention holds promise for individuals with CLBP. However, larger-scale studies are needed to establish definitive evidence of its effectiveness. Moreover, future research should consider exploring additional functional outcome measures and assessing the impact of yoga on depression and disability as important outcomes. Overall, this study underscores the importance of further investigation into the potential benefits of yoga for individuals coping with chronic low back pain.

Reference: Gatantino, M. L., Bzdewka, T. M., Eissler-Rnsso, J. L., Holbrook, M. L., Mogck, E. P., Geigle, P., & Farrar, J. T. (2004). The impact of modified Hatha yoga on chronic low back pain: a pilot study. Alternative Therapies in Health & Medicine10(2).

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