Brudziński’s contralateral reflex sign

Purpose of Brudziński’s contralateral reflex sign: To determine if the patient has inflammation of the meninges (meningitis) (1).

Patient position: Lying supine.

Examiner position: Standing beside the bed, facing the patient.

Procedure: While having the patient lying supine on the bed with both legs extended, flex one of the patient’s legs (hip and knee joints) and bring the knee towards the chest.

Outcome: Brudziński’s sign is a sign of meningeal irritation. If meningeal irritation is present, this manoeuvre causes involuntary flexion of the contralateral leg (hip and knee joints). This is a positive Brudzinski’s contralateral reflex sign (1).


  1. Brudzinski J. Ueber die Kontralateralen Reflexe an den Unteren Extremitaeten bei Kindern. Wien Klin Wschr. 1908;21:255 – 61

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