Heart-Lung-Muscle axis | Role of the lungs in maximal oxygen consumption

Maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) is the gold standard to measure one’s cardiopulmonary fitness. The VO2max represents the maximal flow of oxygen through the lungs into blood via., simple diffusion, which in turn gets pumped by the heart into the muscles during the maximal graded exercise test (GXT). It was long thought that lung function may not be a limiting factor for one’s maximal performance during … Continue reading Heart-Lung-Muscle axis | Role of the lungs in maximal oxygen consumption

Neer Impingement Test

Purpose of Neer Impingement Test: To determine if there is an impingement in the shoulder joint (1, 2). Patient position: Sitting upright with the affected arm relaxed by the side. Examiner position: Standing beside/behind the patient’s affected side. Procedure: With one hand, depress and stabilize the scapula. With the other hand, rotate the patient’s arm internally and then perform a forward flexion passively in the … Continue reading Neer Impingement Test

Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test

Purpose of  Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test: To determine if there is an impingement in the shoulder joint (1). Patient position: Sitting upright with the affected arm relaxed by the side. Examiner position: Standing beside the patient’s affected side. Procedure: Elevate the affected arm to 90 degrees in forward flexion. Have the patient’s affected arm rest on your arm i.e., have the patient’s affected arm well supported … Continue reading Hawkins-Kennedy Impingement Test