Energy Supply Systems

There are three energy supply systems in our body. All three systems work on a smooth continuum. ATP – PCr (Immediate) energy system: An immediate energy supply required for a physical activity such as 100 m sprint or lifting a heavy weight (high intensity – short duration), comes mainly from intramuscular high-energy phosphates, ATPs and PCr. Such (very fast) energy supply lasts only less than 10 seconds … Continue reading Energy Supply Systems

Energy Expenditure

All metabolic processes in the body require energy supply (food) but depend on the use of oxygen (O2) for extraction of energy which ultimately results in heat production. There are two approaches to quantify human energy expenditure during rest and physical activity. They are: direct calorimetry and indirect calorimetry. Direct calorimetry is the method of directly quantifying the body’s rate of biologic work (energy expenditure/metabolism) by … Continue reading Energy Expenditure

ATP Electron Transport

ATP supply & Energy production: Our body has a continuous ATP electron transport supply from the cells’ cytosol (Anaerobic – Glycolysis) and the mitochondria (Aerobic – Citric acid cycle/Respiratory chain), through various metabolic pathways. In cytosol (an aqueous component of the cytoplasm of a cell), the anaerobic breakdown of phosphocreatine (PCr), glucose, glycerol, and carbon skeletons of deaminated amino acids take place to produce ATP for … Continue reading ATP Electron Transport


Welcome to the Orthopaedic Manipulation website. is a simple website to provide information to the trainees and practitioners of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy. Orthopaedic Manipulation is a form of skilled, physical treatment used by Orthopaedic manipulative therapy specialists, Chiropractors, Osteopathic physicians, Osteopaths, and Physical therapists to treat neuro-musculoskeletal conditions, restoring the lost ability to move and reduce disability. According to Nelson FR & Blauvelt CT, … Continue reading Welcome!

Outcome Measures

Outcome Measures | A list of outcome measures that determine and/or quantify a physical or mental function that is impaired as a result of a disease. Body Regions Neck Cervical Neck Disability Index (NDI) Vernon & Mior Cervical Spine Score Arms Shoulder Shoulder Pain and Disability Index (SPADI) The Disabilities of the Arm, Shoulder, and Hand Score (DASH) The Rowe Score for Instability American Shoulder … Continue reading Outcome Measures