Decoding Disc Displacements: Key Insights from Research on Diagnosis and Symptom Severity

Disc displacements, often linked to back pain, can manifest as diffuse bulges or more localized herniations. Herniations are categorized into protrusions, which remain within the outer annular fibers, and extrusions, which break through the annulus fibrosus. Typically, extrusions are larger than protrusions (Fries et al., 1982). A study by Jensen et al. (1994) involving 98 asymptomatic volunteers and 27 back pain patients found that disc … Continue reading Decoding Disc Displacements: Key Insights from Research on Diagnosis and Symptom Severity

How effective Is Qigong in managing fibromyalgia pain and fatigue?

In 2012, a pilot study has shed light on the potential benefits of Qigong exercise for patients suffering from fibromyalgia (FM), a condition characterized by widespread chronic pain and other debilitating symptoms. Conducted by researchers including Wen Liu, Laura Zahner, Molly Cornell, Tung Le, Jessica Ratner, Yunxia Wang, Mamatha Pasnoor, Mazen Dimachkie, and Richard Barohn, the study aimed to evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of … Continue reading How effective Is Qigong in managing fibromyalgia pain and fatigue?