Energy Supply Systems

There are three energy supply systems in our body. All three systems work on a smooth continuum. ATP – PCr (Immediate) energy system: An immediate energy supply required for a physical activity such as 100 m sprint or lifting a heavy weight (high intensity – short duration), comes mainly from intramuscular high-energy phosphates, ATPs and PCr. Such (very fast) energy supply lasts only less than 10 seconds … Continue reading Energy Supply Systems

How to Pinpoint Hip Joint Pain: Unlocking the Secrets of Diagnosis

Hip pain can have multiple causes, including non musculoskeletal, lumbosacral spine, intra-articular, and extra-articular. A consensus declaration has defined an evaluation algorithm for distinguishing the musculoskeletal causes of regional hip pain (Takla A et al. 2020). Lumbosacral and extra-articular diseases frequently coexist with intra-articular hip causes of pain (Takla A et al. 2020). As a result, a grasp of the complicated connections of the spine, … Continue reading How to Pinpoint Hip Joint Pain: Unlocking the Secrets of Diagnosis

Do specialized exercise regimens combat flexed posture in aging individuals?

As individuals age, flexed posture becomes increasingly prevalent, often accompanied by musculoskeletal issues and diminished physical function. In 2008, to address this, a study was conducted by Benedetti, et. al., to compare the efficacy of a tailored physical activity regimen targeting flexed posture against a generic exercise program for the elderly over a three-month period. Participants were randomly assigned to either a group undertaking an … Continue reading Do specialized exercise regimens combat flexed posture in aging individuals?

Energy Expenditure

All metabolic processes in the body require energy supply (food) but depend on the use of oxygen (O2) for extraction of energy which ultimately results in heat production. There are two approaches to quantify human energy expenditure during rest and physical activity. They are: direct calorimetry and indirect calorimetry. Direct calorimetry is the method of directly quantifying the body’s rate of biologic work (energy expenditure/metabolism) by … Continue reading Energy Expenditure