How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?

In 2006, Brazier, et. al., aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a specialized group program geared towards enhancing the overall well-being of individuals dealing with the challenges of HIV/AIDS. This program centered around yogic breathing, movement, and meditation techniques, and was conducted in a residential setting. Employing a randomized controlled trial, the researchers recruited 62 participants from community HIV/AIDS organizations, with 47 participants completing the … Continue reading How does yogic practice influence stress and well-being in individuals living with HIV/AIDS?

Do exercise approaches affect recovery in post-op breast cancer patients?

Breast cancer treatment often involves surgical interventions, such as radical mastectomy or quadrantectomy with axillary dissection. A critical aspect of post-operative care is physiotherapy, which aids in recovery and reduces complications. To delve into the effectiveness of different exercise approaches, researchers led by Laura Ferreira de Rezende, et. al., (2006) conducted a randomized clinical trial involving 60 women. The primary objective of the study was … Continue reading Do exercise approaches affect recovery in post-op breast cancer patients?

Which exercise approach yields better shoulder mobility after breast cancer surgery?

In the realm of postoperative rehabilitation for breast cancer patients, a pivotal question revolves around the most effective exercise approach that not only aids in restoring shoulder mobility but also minimizes postoperative complications. With a dearth of established guidelines in this domain, researchers embarked on a mission to ascertain the optimal exercise regimen. In 2006, the study, led by Laura Ferreira de Rezende, et. al., … Continue reading Which exercise approach yields better shoulder mobility after breast cancer surgery?

Part 5- Evidence behind McKenzie method of mechanical diagnosis and therapy

In this blog, which is part of a series dedicated to the McKenzie method, I discussed the scientific basis for mechanical diagnosis and therapy for the lumbar spine. The first section of these series dealt with the McKenzie overview approach, the second with evidence regarding evaluation and prognosis, the third with evidence addressing management, and the fourth with research on direction preference and centralization. In … Continue reading Part 5- Evidence behind McKenzie method of mechanical diagnosis and therapy

How effective is plantar fascia-specific stretching for long-term relief in chronic plantar fasciitis?

In 2006, Digiovanni, et. al., conducted study about Chronic plantar fasciitis, which is a persistent and painful condition affecting the foot’s sole, has been a subject of medical investigation. A prior study engaged eighty-two patients with long-standing proximal plantar fasciitis in a randomized clinical trial, comparing a plantar fascia-stretching regimen to an Achilles tendon-stretching routine. Initial results after eight weeks favored the plantar fascia-stretching group. … Continue reading How effective is plantar fascia-specific stretching for long-term relief in chronic plantar fasciitis?