What is the impact of physical exercise therapy on pain intensity and dysfunction in the lumbosacral region in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome?

In 2019, Prohorova, et. al., conducted study about differential approach considering the pathogenetic aspects of musculoskeletal disorders is crucial for the rehabilitative treatment of patients. This study aimed to improve the correction of lumbosacral orthosis in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome using physical exercise therapy to enhance locomotor activity. A randomized controlled clinical study was conducted involving 60 outpatients, divided into a main and control … Continue reading What is the impact of physical exercise therapy on pain intensity and dysfunction in the lumbosacral region in patients with patellofemoral pain syndrome?

Can Neurodynamics and Manual Traction Alone Match the Efficacy of Combination Therapy for Cervical Radiculopathy?

In 2019, Shafique, et. al., conducted study about Cervical radiculopathy, which is a condition characterized by pain and impaired function due to nerve root compression in the cervical spine, affects a significant number of individuals worldwide. Seeking to improve treatment outcomes for these patients, a recent randomized controlled trial investigated the effectiveness of combining Mulligan Spinal Mobilisation with Arm Movement, neurodynamics, and manual traction. The … Continue reading Can Neurodynamics and Manual Traction Alone Match the Efficacy of Combination Therapy for Cervical Radiculopathy?

Pathophysiology of entrapment neuropathies

This blog summarises the available evidence on the influence of entrapment neuropathies on the anatomical and physiological features of the peripheral nervous system that have previously been discussed. Let’s get started! Entrapment Neuropathies and Ischaemia Entrapment neuropathies are hypothesised to disrupt intraneural blood flow by reversing the pressure gradient required for optimal blood supply. Extraneural pressures as low as 20–30 mmHg interrupt intraneural venous circulation, … Continue reading Pathophysiology of entrapment neuropathies

Does Incorporating Osteopathic Methods Enhance Rehabilitation for Vertebral Artery Syndrome Patients?

In 2018, Belash, et. al., conducted study to assess the efficacy of osteopathic treatment as part of combined therapy for patients with vertebral artery syndrome (VAS). VAS is characterized by impaired blood supply in the vertebral-basilar system due to degenerative-dystrophic processes in the cervical spine. This study aimed to evaluate the benefits of incorporating osteopathic methods to alleviate functional abnormalities in blood flow. From January … Continue reading Does Incorporating Osteopathic Methods Enhance Rehabilitation for Vertebral Artery Syndrome Patients?