Predictive Values

Let us continue our Predictive Values analysis using data from Capra et al (1). After a confirmed MRI diagnosis, we may have the following questions: What is the probability that the patient with a positive MRI result has the disease? or What is the proportion of patients with positive MRI results have the disease? Calculating the post-test probabilities (in other terms, post-test likelihood values or positive/negative predictive values) will help … Continue reading Predictive Values

False/Error Rates

Now, let us calculate the False/Error Rates of the SLR test when compared against the gold standard MRI test results (1). The false positive rate of the SLR test (Type I error) is calculated as the ratio between the number of negative MRI results wrongly determined as positive results by the SLR test and the total number of negative MRI results. The false negative rate of the SLR test (Type II error) is … Continue reading False/Error Rates