Spinal manipulation and mobilization in the right direction

Direction for Spinal Manipulation in Patients with Radiculopathies Determining the appropriate direction for spinal manipulation or mobilization in patients presenting with painful radiculopathies remains a common challenge for physiotherapists. Two clinical methods are widely recognized for addressing this challenge: direction-sensitive guided H-reflex testing, as described by Dr. Mohamed Sabahhi, and pre-manipulative testing, developed by Robin McKenzie. While both methods provide valuable clinical insights, the H-reflex-guided … Continue reading Spinal manipulation and mobilization in the right direction

Evaluating the Efficacy of Cervical Traction: Optimal Positions, Angles, and Techniques for Managing Cervical Radicular syndromes

Management of cervical radicular syndromes can involve surgical or conservative approaches. Evidence suggests that while surgery may provide faster pain relief compared to physical therapy or hard-collar immobilization, there is minimal difference in long-term outcomes (Carragee EJ, et al. 2010). Cervical traction therapy, often part of rehabilitation programs, applies a distracting force to the cervical spine to relieve nerve root compression caused by intervertebral discs. … Continue reading Evaluating the Efficacy of Cervical Traction: Optimal Positions, Angles, and Techniques for Managing Cervical Radicular syndromes

Can stretching exercises outperform observation for infant foot deformities?

In 2017, a study by Perajit Eamsobhana and colleagues has cast doubt on the effectiveness of parental stretching programs in treating metatarsus adductus (MA), a common foot deformity in newborns. Traditionally, MA, which causes the front half of the foot to turn inward, is managed through observation, with corrective casting recommended if the condition persists beyond 4-6 months of age. However, there has been little … Continue reading Can stretching exercises outperform observation for infant foot deformities?

How effective are worksite physical activity programs for office workers?

In 2017, a pilot study conducted by Pauline Manon Genin and colleagues has revealed the positive impact of a structured physical activity program on the health and fitness of office employees. The study, which involved 95 participants, aimed to explore the effects of regular exercise in a workplace setting on various health indicators, including body composition, physical fitness, and overall well-being. Participants were divided into … Continue reading How effective are worksite physical activity programs for office workers?

How does the Li Maneuver compare to the Epley maneuver for Vertigo relief?

In 2017, a study conducted by researchers Jinrang Li, Shiyu Tian, and Shizhen Zou has found that the Li maneuver, a novel repositioning technique, is equally effective as the well-established Epley maneuver in treating posterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (PC-BPPV). PC-BPPV is a common inner ear disorder that causes dizziness and imbalance due to dislodged calcium particles in the inner ear canals. The study, … Continue reading How does the Li Maneuver compare to the Epley maneuver for Vertigo relief?